Sunday, November 14, 2010

Moving Over to Blogger

I've been kinda dissatisfied with Wordpress for awhile now.  The user interface is nicer, but there have been several things I have wanted to do with my blog that they don't allow (and notably, people who ask about these things in their forum get a curt answer and their thread promptly closed.)

I've also felt for a long time that the readability of my Wordpress blog's theme was very hard on the eyes.  I'd dabbled with a few other themes but still didn't find anything that suited me.  I also wanted my theme to be more personalized, to reflect more of me (without having to pay for an upgrade to use custom CSS, which I don't currently know or have time to learn.)  Not every option was available with all themes and that was annoying me too.

But the final straw was that they do not accommodate Google Follower and many other widely used social widgets are unavailable or limited on Wordpress.

It's going to take me a little while to learn my way around on Blogger, but I am hoping to improve One Sunny Acre's atmosphere and make it look a bit more professional.  Hopefully this will end up being worth the hassle of switching everything over.  Please bear with me!

If you see any broken links or missing pictures, just let me know.  The formatting in a few of my exported posts didn't carry over well.  I've been trying to straighten those out.

Also, if you want to drop me a comment and let me know what you think of the new look, I'd sure appreciate it!  The background is actually a photo taken in my backyard that I digitally stylized in Adobe Photoshop Elements.

So far so good.  I am feeling at home here and have gotten most of my content carried over.  I think it was worth the effort. 

***Update***I've routed my RSS feed through Feedburner which has simplified things and made One Sunny Acre's feed more accessible.  Thanks Joan, for the suggestion!

If you are currently subscribed at the old Wordpress site, be sure to update your feed using the "Subscribe in a Reader" option in the sidebar on the right.

You can also subscribe via email now and that option is also found in the sidebar.

If you've got a link for One Sunny Acre on your blog or website (thank you!!) you'll also need to update that link to reflect the new address --  I'll be keeping the old site up for a few months with a link to redirect.


  1. Try feedburner from google to subscribe by email. That is what I use and it works.
