Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Arrival

Broody banty managed to hatch out one little black peep on Monday morning. Unfortunately all of the other eggs were duds. This little fella will have the coveted position of permanent pet status around here. (Unless he grows up to be a flogging rooster.)

Little mama has been so cute teaching him/her how to eat and drink. She tosses seed with her head, clucks and scratches around like crazy. Half of the time, he gets up there to grab a bite and she sends him flying!


He has cute little fuzzy cheeks, just like his daddy. I hope it's a pullet, actually, but it will be awhile before we find out. I think we'll call it either Elsa or Olaf (girl or boy) since he was born on the coldest day of the winter so far.

I had just about given up on anything hatching. I thought it had been well over 3 weeks since she had gone missing, but she must not have gotten down to business right away. It was such a delight to come out to do my chores and hear the unexpected conversation of little peeps and clucks. This is the first chick born on our property, my first hatch ever. (Well, broody banty did all of the work.)


I'm going to move them tomorrow to a better brooder in the basement. It's warmer down there and we can spend more time comfortably watching them.

They've really made me itch for spring! I'll be firing up the incubator here soon. I'll be hatching eggs from our mixed layer flock first until I get the hang of it.